Services - Full List / Overview

As your digital concierge service, we cover a wide variety of digital tasks for you to run or start your small business.

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Find IT solutions for startups and benefit from our full-service IT support for businesses. bility.com ensures all your IT needs are covered. Such as these:


Website Building

Website planning, design + creation

Whether you're dreaming up a brand-new website or looking to spruce up an existing one, we've got your back. We're versed in both classic CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, TYPO3, and Contao, as well as do-it-yourself platforms like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and Webflow. Our goal is to support you in envisioning, crafting, and constructing the ideal digital storefront for your business.

If you're already using a platform like Squarespace or have a design prototype in mind, that's excellent! We meet you where you are in your journey, without pushing you toward any one-size-fits-all solutions. We serve as an extension of your team, dedicating the time and technical expertise so you don't have to.

Our real value lies in meticulously handling the nitty-gritty details that go into creating and running a successful website. From configuring your site's backend and ensuring mobile responsiveness to executing SEO best practices and plugin integration, we manage it all. As your "outsourced IT department," we also handle content updates, keep up with regular site updates and maintenance. All this is aimed at freeing you up to focus on what truly matters: your business growth and customer engagement.

Help you select, implement and customize templates

If you set up your website yourself using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, TYPO3, and Contao; or a do-it-yourself platform like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, or Webflow; or if you rely on simple hand-coded HTML files (a very legitimate and straight-forward approach that is making a come-back for multiple reasons), you will likely want to present your content in the best-looking way possible. Ready-made templates or relying on standard frameworks such as Bootstrap are great ways of going about this. But like everything else, they require some time and there is always a learning curve.

Instead of spending hours upon hours on figuring out how to fit a template with your content / CMS, ask us, and we will do it for you.

Select images and videos for your website

Finding the right material for your website can be an arduous and a very lengthy process. Locating suitable repositories, and scrolling through hundreds, if not thousands of pictures can take hours and leave one bewildered.

We will be happy to help you save time by streamlining and expediting the process of finding the right material for your website. Let us pre-select a curated collection of quality content, tailored to your specific needs while you concentrate on other, less tedious tasks.

Website Maintenance

Website maintenance and troubleshooting

Operating and maintaining even a small business website comes with its unique and time-intensive challenges. Issues like regular content updates, ensuring the website's security against cyber threats, making sure it remains user-friendly and mobile-optimized, and keeping up with SEO best practices to maintain search engine rankings are all part of the equation.

Your website's speed and performance, timely backups, updating plugins and themes, compatibility issues after updates, and especially troubleshooting technical glitches are other aspects that demand time and technical proficiency. Not to mention, navigating changes in data privacy regulations can be complex.

We are here to help tackle these challenges head-on. We provide services to manage most common issues and keep your website running smoothly, allowing you to focus on your business's growth and success. Let us handle the technical intricacies so you can dedicate your time where it matters most.

Selection, setup and maintenance of web CMS or service platform of your choice

Your business website always requires some sort of an infrastructure, typically a web server or a content management system (CMS). Popular CMS include include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. - Aside from regularly updating your content and adapting your site's elements and appearance through them, any such platform also itself requires periodical updates, security patches, and plugin/theme management to ensure optimal performance.

Unfortunately, CM systems are highly prone to what is referred to as "software or system decay" or "skill fade," i.e. the need to relearn a system nearly from scratch when using it only occasionally. This makes interacting with them extremely tedious and time-consuming.

We are here to help to set up and maintain these systems. We'll handle the technical aspects so that you can stay productive.

User Experience

UX-optimized site redesign

After conducting proper UX tests, we can also undertake a redesign process and make concrete suggestions to improve the site's user experience. By incorporating the insights and feedback gathered from the tests, we can make informed design decisions and implement changes that address any usability issues or concerns identified. This iterative approach ensures that the redesigned website aligns better with user needs and preferences, resulting in an enhanced user experience.

Contact us if you wish to optimize your website and provide your users with an enhanced experience.

UX testing

We don't just handle technical aspects of your website or other online systems. We can also ensure they meet your users' needs through rigorous UX testing.

By analyzing user interactions and feedback, we identify potential areas of improvement, and refine your website or shop for an optimal user experience. Our goal is to create intuitive, efficient, and satisfying experiences for your users, leaving you free to concentrate on your core business operations.

Make existing website accessible and mobile friendly

Websites are not only required by law in many places to be accessible for users with special needs, they also benefit directly from following the respective guidelines and features. Accessible websites are ranked higher by search engines, are usually much easier to use for the users, load faster, are compatible with more devices.

We can test your website for accessibility, and either advise on or directly make the necessary modifications. This will save you from delving into a whole jungle of often confusing guidelines and free your time up for the actual business you want to run.

Web Enhancement

Support/assist with search engine optimization (SEO) efforts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more than just a set of mechanical tasks-—it's a commitment to making your website stand out in a crowded digital landscape. While we always recommend working with a specialized SEO agency for large-scale strategies like keyword planning and analytics integration, there are countless details that can't be ignored. These include registering your site with webmaster tools, inserting relevant keywords into your content, and taking care of technical aspects like XML sitemaps, schema markup, and SSL certificates. We're well-versed in all these areas and serve as an extension of your team, investing the time you don't have.

Furthermore, SEO isn't a 'set and forget' endeavor; it requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments to outpace the competition and stay in sync with ever-changing search engine algorithms. This is a continuous and labor-intensive process that we're more than equipped to manage for you. By handling these meticulous details, we free you up to focus on broader business goals and more meaningful interactions with your customers.

Read more about SEO in general and how we can help in this blog article

Implement web site chat/chatbot

Who can help me integrate a chatbot in my website?

Integrating chat or chatbot system in your website can be a good way to get in touch with potential customers.

We can help with that, ensuring a seamless, user-friendly experience. We ensure intuitive interactions and, if needed, can even set up AI capabilities for natural language processing. Securing your chat systems following data privacy regulations and provide continuous support for improvements and performance tracking are also a must when employing such systems. Trust us to handle the technicalities, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business and caring for your customers..

Implement and manage GDPR

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Customer Interaction


Set up newsletter / bulk mailing system (e.g, mailchimp, cleverreach)

An important way of staying in touch with your customers is by way of a newsletter. There are many ways of preparing and sending out such bulk mailings, but your local email client or any other locally based systems are not among them--your internet service provider will more likely than not suspect illegitimate activities when sending more than a a few dozen mails and cut your email service (we have seen that happen more than once).

Luckily, there are many dedicated systems for the purpose out there, such as MailChimp, ConvertKit or cleverReach. But they all come with a set of prerequisites that are not trivial: First, your recipients' data must confirm to specific legal standards (e.g., provably obtained via double-opt-in or other legal ways with user consent); your mail templates must be tested to be compatible with vast variety of mail clients out there; you will need to prepare HTML and plain text versions of the same mailing; you will want to have a way to treat out-of-service addresses, must properly handle opt-outs from further mailings and undeliverable mails.

We have extensive experience with systems of this kind and would be happy to assist you with all aspects of the process.

Create/adapt templates to your needs

Customers respond better to a nicely styled, visually appealing newsletter. Unfortunately, what you see is decidedly not what you get if you simply use whatever looks good on your computer when it comes to styling your message template. Mail programs still have a way of rendering email in vastly different ways, and the only way to send out a newsletter that looks the same on most systems is by applying (1) certain techniques and (2) testing, testing and, yes: more testing.

We have the patience, the competence, and most importantly, the desire to help you out. So get in touch for assistance with your bulk mailing needs.

Set up and maintain mailing list / list server

Mailing lists are a standard marketing tool. We can assist with all aspects from data preparation, conversion, import to maintenance of your mailing list and even administrate the pertinent tools (including classic list servers). Outsourcing such tasks allows you to redirect your energy to less tedious matters.


Develop and execute online advertising campaigns, such as Google AdWords or Facebook ads

For most online advertising (such as Google Ads, Facebook ads and others) to work well, these ads have to be well executed. It is quite possible to pay for ads for months without a single conversion. To be successful with Google ads, it is important to continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns to improve their performance. Experimentation with different strategies, testing wording variations, and analyzing the data to identify areas for improvement are vitally important.

Seeing how all of this is a highly time-intensive process, we will be happy to take those parts of it over that you find too distractive from your actual business tasks.

Manage, monitor and track email campaigns

Setting up a mail campaign requires multiple steps that can be time-consuming, even with the most user-friendly system--and not many are.

If you rather spend your time and energy doing things more closely related to tyour actual business, we will be glad to handle all aspects your mail campaign for you.

Administer/manage newsletter / bulk mailing system, email campaigns

We can administer your newsletter/builk mailing system of choice for you. This includes all aspects, such as handling addresses, scheduling mailings, setting up web forms for sign up and for customer interaction / responses (e.g. after cancellation) in accordance with pertinent privacy laws, and much more.

Don't waste your own time and energy on these things; use them for the more important aspects of your business.

Social Media

Create and manage online surveys

There are times when it pays to inquire directly how you can better serve your customers. A survey is certainly one good way to that. But if you are a small operation and have no experience with (1) designing a productive survey, (2) setting it up in one of the popular online survey tools, and then (3) to visualize and analyze the results (they are often in formats that are not fully suitable for easy consumption), we can take over any of these steps for you. Making your business life easier is, after all, our business.

Manage Youtube (or other video platform) channel

Managing a YouTube channel or other video platforms can be time-consuming and complex. From uploading videos, setting suitable options, optimizing SEO and description texts, responding to comments, to tracking analytics - it's practically a full-time job!

We can take care of your video channel so you don't have to deal with all these matters. Whether it's YouTube, Vimeo, or any other platform, our team is here to handle all the nitty-gritty details.

Create and maintain a company blog

A blog is an effective method to reach to customers and should definitely be considered as a marketing tool.

We can set up and maintain a blog system for you. If you need assistance with the content, let's talk and see if this is something we can help as well - it depends, of course, on the subject matter. But we can always spruce up the writing on pretty much any topic, hopefully making the process a little less painful for you.

Customer Support

Select, set up and manage helpdesk/ticketing system (e.g. Freshdesk, Helpscout, Cerb)

A helpdesk--also called a ticket system--of some kind becomes a necessity very quickly once your business grows to even a modest size. Handling more than a only very few requests per day requires some structure and can no longer be done by email or other, even more casual means.

This is where a helpdesk comes it: It lets you not only keep track of requests in a structured, systematic way, but also allows for multiple "agents" to jointly shoulder this task so as to distributing the burden. Customer support without a structured system is practically impossible today, so this is an area that better receive your full attention.

Helpdesk systems come in all sizes (and price categories), but they all share the common necessity for thorough setup and design, good management, and proper administration. Only when it is well designed and managed will a helpdesk provide its full benefit, i.e. making your customers happy by giving them easy access and fast responses on the one hand; helping you channel the tasks that arise form these support contacts on the other; and even giving you valuable leads, metrics and data that can create new opportunities for your business.

If a full-time support officer and helpdesk system manager is not yet in the cards for you just yet, we can easily and competently fill that function for you to free up your resources.

Helpdesk integration in web site and workflows

Once you decide that a helpdesk system is necessary for your business to communicate with your customers--and virtually no business that has more than a only handful of customers can really do without it--you will also want to think about how to integrate it with your existing infrastructure; most importantly with your website (or other public-facing portals). This requires a certain degree of technical expertise and usually a great deal of time.

We can easily and competently help you out with this and thus free up your resources for other, more immediately productive tasks.

Customer-facing documentation/communication (e.g., release notes)

Having an app other other IT-based infrastructure that aids your business is great, but it is also a commitment that does not end with the release of the system. There is also the continuous need to create proper documentation and to keep users appraised of any changes (e.g, release notes).

We can handle these tasks for you, either manually "just in time," or by setting up a structure that supports this process. Life is too short to waste it on release notes

Customer Feedback

Create and manage online surveys

There are times when it pays to inquire directly how you can better serve your customers. An online survey is certainly one good way to that. But if you are a small operation and have no experience with (1) designing a productive survey, (2) setting it up in one of the popular online survey tools, and then (3) to visualize and analyze the results (they are often in formats that are not fully suitable for easy consumption), we can take over any of these steps for you. Making your business life easier is, after all, our business.

Business Tools

Systems Management

Manage customer relationship management (CRM) software

Setting up and managing a CRM system like Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho CRM, or Freshsales is a time-consuming process that requires specialized knowledge. Learning to navigate these systems can eat up valuable time that you could be spending on growing your business. We're here to invest that time for you, simplifying the complexities from customization to integration.

Our comprehensive CRM services include data field customization, sales pipeline management, data integrity maintenance, and seamless integration with your existing tech stack, like marketing automation tools and ERP systems. With our expertise, you can focus on what you do best, while we make sure your CRM system is a well-oiled machine that aligns with your business needs.

Set up / manage AWS system

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Set up and maintain online booking systems or appointment scheduling software

Online scheduling and booking systems such as Acuity, Calendly, Bookafy or Eventbrite can be very valuable for your business,

However, all the usual hurdles like setting them up, learning their specific concepts, workflows and functions apply; with the biggest hurdle being the dreaded "skill fade," i.e. having to re-learn the system over and over when not using it on a daily basis. This is one of the biggest time-loss factors, not to mention the high level of frustration.

We can help you manage your online systems, and if we can reduce both the time loss and the frustration for you, our mission is complete.

Set up and manage time tracking system

Your business may be employing a time-tracking system, either on-premise, or a commercial Web-based system like Harvest, Clockify, Hubstaff etc.

These are the types of systems that can be particularly frustrating to the occasional user, because on the one hand they do require frequent enough attention setting up user accounts and establishing new categories and projects, for example. But at the same time, such changes often take place at large intervals, causing the casual user to forget most some of the basics and forcing them to relearn them each time again. It is this kind of frustration that often feels like the greatest waste of time.

We will be happy to try and alleviate this pain for you and can take over these pesky chores for you.

Create and manage online job postings and recruiting platforms

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Create and manage online events (e.g. webinars, conferences)

There are many great platforms for hosting online meetings, events and webinars (for example, Zoom, GoToWebinar, GoogleMeet, ClickMeeting). They are generally easy to use, but setting up more special and training events can be more time-consuming and involved than one would expect. Updating, adding and maintaining events can involve many individual steps and can become tedious chores.

Ask us, and we can take over these tasks for you to save you the hassle.

Develop and manage online communities / forums

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Set up and manage online shop/eCommerce system

Managing an online shop isn't a walk in the park. There is so much more to consider than meets the eye (and what the manufacturer may have promised you). It's a mix of tech stuff and constant updates – kind of like a never-ending DIY project. Keeping an online shop running and keeping it current will eat up your time faster than you anticipated.

Adding products, changing prices, writing texts and adding images takes enormous time; setting up promotions are just the basic activities that will keep you busy for hours or days at a time, to say nothing of adjusting the interface whenever you make changes to your website, or of extracting and analyzing your sales data. Many e-commerce systems' back-end user interfaces are highly convoluted and much harder to operate than one would anticipate. - We can help ease the constant pain of your online shop so you can concentrate running your business.

Set up and manage digital e-commerce platform (e.g. cleverbridge)

Managing an e-commerce platform like Shopify, Salesforce, cleverbridge, WooCommerce, or Magento is no small feat. Even though these platforms are marketed as 'user-friendly,' maintaining them demands time and attention—time you could be spending on growing your business. That's where we step in: we spend the time so you don't have to, serving as an extension of your team.

From SEO-optimized product listings to complex pricing strategies and promotional campaigns, the list of daily tasks can be overwhelming. Then there are technical intricacies like interface customization and data analytics. It's a lot to handle, but you don't have to do it alone. We're here to manage your online store, enabling you to concentrate on business strategy, customer engagement, and what you do best.

Set up and manage affiliate marketing programs

Most e-Commerce systems can be configured to also support the sales of your products through third parties, either physically of through their websites. But doing so can be quite the task, and each system has its own peculiarities to master. There are frequently a great many options to consider when managing affiliates and managing discounted sales.

We can provide the right help, getting you started right with your new sales network.

Set up and manage reseller program

A reseller program is a business arrangement where an organization allows individuals or other companies to sell their products or services on their behalf, typically offering them discounted prices or other incentives, with the resellers earning a profit by reselling the products at a higher price to end customers.

We are here to assist you in establishing and implementing your reseller program, ensuring its successful setup and smooth operation.


Set up and manage databases

Databases in small businesses can be employed for mutiple smaller-scale uses, such as task tracking, document storage, meeting schedules, event planning, expense tracking, budgeting and financial planning, to name just a few.

We can assist in planning, selecting, designing such a database for you, including writing the queries and reporting routines you need -- so you don't have to do this yourself.

Develop, set up and maintain a company knowledge base (local and/or online)

If you conduct sales, especially online, your business can likely benefit from a knowledge base by organizing product information, shipping policies, and FAQs for your customer support team, leading to faster response times and improved customer satisfaction. If you are a startup, you may want to leverage a knowledge base to store technical documentation, troubleshooting guides, and best practices, ensuring streamlined collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.

We can help set up a comprehensive knowledge base for your business, providing a centralized hub of information and resources. This will enable you to easily access and share vital documents, training materials, and frequently asked questions, streamlining onboarding processes. Doing so enhances customer support, fosters efficient knowledge management, and frees up important resources for more essential tasks.

Create and manage custom Web forms

Online surveys have many important business uses, including gathering customer feedback, conducting market research, assessing employee engagement, testing product ideas, collecting event registrations, and facilitating market segmentation and customer profiling.

We specialize in creating customized online surveys and forms for your business, streamlining data collection and analysis. By outsourcing survey and form creation to us, you can save valuable time and resources, ensuring professional and user-friendly experiences for your respondents while efficiently gathering and analyzing the data you need for informed decision-making.


e-Learning systems

If you offer any kinds of instructional material online - from teaching aids to tutorials to full-blown lectures, and everything in-between, there are always various hurdles to overcome. Even the "easiest" system to use is never free of obstacles and headscratchers.

Whether you want to get started on a commercial platform like Blackboard or aim to set up your own installation of Moodle (or everything in between), we will be happy to stand by your side and assist with all the technological intricacies. Focus on your core endeavor and leave the technical worries to us.

Online instructional content

If your service involves any form of instruction, we can also assist you in preparing, sprucing up, and integrating and managing your content in the platform of your choice.

Whether you offer online courses, training programs, educational materials, or instructional videos, we can help you make things quicker and easier. Use your valuable time on creating the content. We can manage most of the rest for you.

Set up and maintain Moodle system

Moodle is a powerful open-source learning management system that provides a platform for creating and managing online courses and instructional content. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities designed to support online learning, including tools for course creation, content management, assessments, grading, and collaboration. With Moodle, educators/instruction providers can create engaging and interactive courses by incorporating multimedia elements, discussion forums, quizzes, assignments, and more. It is primarily used in the education sector, but also widely employed in corporate training and e-learning initiatives.

We can assist with all aspects of setting up, configuring the system and with all technical aspects of creating, formatting and integrating content in your Moodle system, freeing up the content creators from tasks they may be less comfortable with and thus giving them more time to concentrate on what matters most, i.e. great content and smooth operation of their instruction.

Data + Analytics

Online Data

Data gathering + Web Scraping

Sometimes you need data you don't have but that you know exists on the Web or on social media. Accessing that data can be a game-changer. "Web scraping" provides small businesses with a competitive advantage by extracting valuable data from websites.

But do you really have the many hours it takes to extract, save and organize the data you harvest via copy & paste from different websites or social platform by hand? We can help!

Gathering data off the Web or social media can be a valuable tool for

  • Market Intelligence (gain insights about your field, competitors, and consumer trends)
  • Lead Generation (identify and target potential customers by fetching data from multiple platforms and directories), and
  • Pricing Optimization: Keep a close eye on your competitors' pricing strategies and market trends

Let us handle the technical complexities while you concentrate on the more important parts. Get in touch with us to explore how we can help your business thrive.

Analyze website and social media analytics to inform marketing and advertising strategies

You may already be using using multiple systems that provide (e.g. Google Analytics, Matomo), or come with their own analytics tools (e.g your online shop). But would it not be much easier to have these various systems' analytics integrated in once central place? And, even better, integrated with all your other business statistics/analytics?

We assist small and medium businesses, startups, and non-commercial organizations with complete business intelligence services: data management, data analysis, data visualization so you don't have to hire specialists and set up your own infrastructure.

Data Processing

Data harvesting + cleaning

Data that has been collected from a variety of sources rarely fits neatly together. And even if it comes from the same source there can be substantial inconsistencies that make processing them hard or impossible (e.g., online directories displaying multiple data fields for some companies but only few for others). Such data has to be extensibly processed before you can actively use it (e.g. for import into a database, spreadsheet or CRM) and use it for mailings or cold calling.

We can unify, clean and process your data for you so that you can start using it right away and advance your business.

Data cleaning, data joining

Data that originates from hetergenous sources (e.g. different databases, spreadsheets, legacy systems) rarely fits neatly together. Such data has to be extensibly processed before you can actively use it (e.g. for import into a another) or analyze it.

We can unify, clean and process your data for you so that you can start using it right away for the benefit of your business.

Data conversion (e.g. XML to text, HTML, csv + more)

Sometimes data has be converted to another format altogether to serve specific purposes (e.g. publication on a website, import into specific software, etc.) A very common issue is preparing older text documents (e.g manual) for online or offline publication or for integration into other systems, or to convert documents to and from specialized standards such as docBook.

We can unify, clean and convert your data for you so that you can start using it right away for whatever purpose you have to benefit your business.

Business Intelligence

Complete Business Intelligence services

We assist small and medium businesses, startups, and non-commercial organizations with complete business intelligence services: data management, data analysis, data visualization so you don't have to hire specialists and set up your own infrastructure.

Data visualization

Efficient visualizations make it much easier to understand and interpret your data. We help you open up these new perspectives. Leverage the power of impactful visualizations to explore and interpret your business data of any kind.

We assist small and medium businesses, startups, and non-commercial organizations with complete business intelligence services: data management, data analysis, data visualization so you don't have to hire specialists and set up your own infrastructure.

Business Data analysis with Tableau

Tableau is the world's leading software for data analysis and visualization. Its particular strength lies in its ability to serve as a universal interface to almost any type of data. You may already know how important Tableau is today for consolidating even the most diverse data and deriving meaningful decisions from it. But Tableau is a complex program with a huge amount of features, and even once you have learned it, you will find it requires constant use in order to stay proficient in it--it is one of those programs one tends to "unlearn" very quickly.

If you want to harness the incredible power of Tableau for yourself and your data, while not falling victim to "skill fade," we are here to offer our expertise with Tableau.

Set up Tableau

Most likely your business-relevant data exists in multiple different systems, platform and.or formats. This makes it difficult to consolidate them and receive a single unified "dashboard view" of your business.

We can set up and configure Tableau for you so that your heterogenous data sources are consolidated and work together to provide a simple, full picture. Sit back and let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Tableau coaching

Tableau is a complex program with a huge amount of features, and even once you have learned it, you will find it requires constant use in order to stay proficient in it--it is one of those programs one tends to "unlearn" very quickly.

Whether you want to get started with Tableau, or you want to get back into after an hiatus, we can get you where you want to be--efficiently and quickly. After all, the job of good business software is to save you time--and that is our business as well.

Soft-Data Analysis

Excerpt and analyze text, audio and video (for market research, product improvement etc.)

Data is not only numbers. In fact, more often than not, the crucial information you need for your business exists as text, images, or even audio and video. Working with multiple data formats can be daunting and extremely time-consuming--time that could always be spent more productively on other things in your business.

We have the knowledge and the technology to collect the raw data, bundle it, and extract the information you need. Get in touch, and we will be happy to discuss with you how we can free you of this chore.

Collate, excerpt and analyze social media posts

Information that is useful for your business does not always come as neat sets of numbers. Quite the opposite: More often than not, you find the most useful things in social media, where they appear as text posts, images, or even audio and video. Locating and harvesting such data can be extremely time-consuming--time that could be spend more productively on other things in your business.

We have the knowledge and the technology to collect the raw data, bundle it, and extract the information you need. Get in touch, and we will be happy to discuss with you how we can free you up.

Competitor research

Do you want to be informed if your competitor's prices change or when they launch new services? We can help with that! We monitor their websites, social media, and digital publications, keeping you in the loop whenever something important comes up.

Think of us as your eyes and ears on the digital scene. We track changes in their pricing and services, so you're always ahead of the game. We also check out their social media. Be tthe first to know of a new campaign or when they otherwise make waves online. You'll get insights that can help you shape your own strategies. Know what's happening, be ready to adapt, and always have a competitive edge.



Assist with creating and editing digital content, such as blog posts, videos, and podcasts

We can take over all technical tasks associated with the creation of digital content, be that text or multimedia.

Servies we can provide in this area include copy editing, multimedia editing and polishing, as well as many related tasks. Whatever side-aspect of your content creation you are not confortable with, we can (probably) take care of for you.

Image Editing - optimizing images for web, print and social media

Images for web, social media, newsletter or offline publication need to be processed in different ways. Simply copying a multi-MB picture for your phone or downloading a stock photo and adding it to your newsletter, for example, will do you a disservice. Depending on the intended use, images may have to be reduced in file size, cropped, color-corrected, or processed in other ways for maximum impact.

We can optimize your images even at short notice. We want you to have the best image, the right format, when you need it and with the least amount of time spent on it.

Digital Content Polishing - making your audio and video recordings Web-ready

You record messages for your website or social media casually on your phone, tablet or computer. We can do the steps necessary to make it "post-worthy," i.e. trim it, edit, add credits, logos, or other marks, and enhance the audio and video quality.

Save time, mental energy, and rest easy by having us do the mechanical stuff for you.

Create AI videos

If you have ever had the need to create a set of videos using AI, you have noticed how many steps really are required and how much time it still takes. True, compared to shooting a "real" video the effort is much reduced, but it is nonetheless very significant and can take many hours for even a small number of short videos.

We can assist with all aspects, from script preparation to selecting supporting material, to setting up, managing, rendering and implementing the videos on your website or media channel. Ask us, and save time.

Technical Documentation

Authoring and implementation (from user manuals to Help systems)

Your product requires documentation of some kind? From a short Quick Tour to full user manual to even full-fledged online help (for various computer systems such a Mac Help to Windows CHM Help, and everything in between) we can be of assistance with authoring of your user help material.

We can bring whatever technology you desire to the task and deliver a ready-to-go product, freeing up your and your specialists' time for the real nitty-gritty chores.

CHM (Compiled HTML) conversion to PDF, HTML5 or other modern formats

Do you have mechanical manuals or program manuals in legacy CHM format that you would like to convert to a more modern, Web and mobile-friendly format?

CHM is an older format that was the de-facto standard for Windows and software on-board Help, but also for many types of technical documentation in various industries over several decades.

We convert even large files for you. We have years of experience with converting even multi-thousand-page documents into formats that can be used in contemporary, Web and mobile friendly contexts, such as HTML5, XML, or PDF. Our conversion services is tailored for key industries like Software Development, IT & Networking, Engineering, Aviation & Aerospace, Automotive, Healthcare, and Telecommunications. Elevate your technical documentation by ensuring accessibility and enhanced user experience. Ideal for manuals, guides, and technical specifications.

Editing/Optimizing technical documentation

Sometimes your technical documentation needs revision, updates, or simply a usability check. - If your documentation has been authored by a non-native speaker (or by AI), we can upgrade its quality for the benefit of your users.

We provide full editing services, i.e. we work in the original code or format, so as to reduce the turn-around time and make life as easy as possible for you and your team. After all, everybody has always more urgent things to do, right?


Website Translation + Implementation

If your existing website is to appear in more languages than one, retroactive implementation can be complex or problematic, but it can also be smooth and easy--it all depends on the technical infrastructure it is built on.

We can assess the situation, map out, and even implement a solution for you. Let us save you the trouble to delving into a myriad of issues so you are free to concentrate on other things.

Software Translation

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Content Research

Find online content and process findings

Sometime you need data you don't have but that you know exists on the Web or on social media. Accessing that data can be a game-changer. "Web scraping" provides small businesses with a competitive advantage by extracting valuable data from websites. But do you really have the many hours to locate the data you need and then extract, save and organize it via copy & paste from different websites or social platform by hand? We can help!

Gathering data off the Web or social media can can be a valuable tool for

  • Market Intelligence (gain insights about your field, competitors, and consumer trends)
  • Lead Generation (identify and target potential customers by fetching data from multiple platforms and directories), and
  • Pricing Optimization: Keep a close eye on your competitors' pricing strategies and market trends

Let us handle the footwork and the technical complexities while you concentrate on the more important parts. Get in touch with us to explore how we can help your business thrive.

Office + Tech


Set Up and Manage Email Accounts

Setting up a business email account may seem straightforward, but it can pose challenges, especially for those unfamiliar with the process. These challenges include choosing an email hosting provider, potentially registering a domain name, creating email accounts (assigning usernames, passwords, and required aliases or forwarding addresses), and configuring devices with SMPTP, IMAP, or POP settings. Understanding these elements and implementing a consistent and secure professional email infrastructure can consume a significant amount of time and lead to errors and frustration.

We specialize in assisting businesses with the setup of their email accounts to ensure reliable retrieval and sending of emails.

Set Up Email Client

Setting up your Google/GMail account to work with a local mail client can be surprisingly complicated and time-consuming. While you probably use your email account(s) mostly via Web interface or app, it may still be desirable (or even required) in a business setting to rely on a local mail client such as Outlook, Thunderbird, etc. Sending and receiving your e-mail from such a program frequently turns out to be more difficult than one would expect,given the many security hurdles in effect everywhere.

We can help you set up your email client to retrieve and send your emails via most major email providers and for most email clients.


Create custom spreadsheets

We know from experience that small business owners often face challenges when working (well) with Excel. Areas where assistance is often needed is with setting up correctly structured worksheets and implementing data validation, and with formulas and functions for calculations and for automating tasks. But the most problems are with the analysis and reporting of data, utilizing features like pivot tables and charts.

Why struggle for hours with your modeling, budgeting, and visualization task? We will be glad to offer assistance so that you can concentrate on the results rather the process.

Clean up, optimize and automate Excel spreadsheets

Many spreadsheets can benefit from optimizing by "cleaning" and proper formatting (such as identifying and removing duplicate data, clean up inconsistent formatting, and ensure data accuracy and consistency throughout the spreadsheet). This also includes formula optimization and validation.

Many users also struggle with creating and utilizing proper pivot tables. Build dynamic pivot tables to summarize and analyze large sets of data is, however, the key to extracting meaningful insights and generating useful reports.

We can help you out withe these and other spreadsheet-related tasks. Making your life easier as you make your business more profitable is our main task.

Tech Development

Project management (e.g., for app development)

Are you looking to bring your ideas or specific needs for IT projects or app development to life within your small business? Small businesses have a wide range of app ideas to aid their operations and offer added benefits to customers. They can develop a customer loyalty app (digital loyalty cards, exclusive discounts) and an inventory management app (real-time visibility, automated reordering) to streamline operations. Additionally, a field service management app (scheduling, dispatching, job details) or an appointment booking app (easy scheduling, automated reminders) can enhance customer service. To benefit customers further, some businesses create a personalized recommendation app (tailored product/service recommendations), a virtual consultation app (remote appointments, convenience), or an interactive training and education app (engaging learning experiences). A real-time customer support app (instant messaging, live chat) or a social engagement and community building app (brand community, exclusive content) can foster customer satisfaction and engagement.

Managing such projects can be a full-time job in itself and will definitely take up a large chunk of your time and energy. We can manage all the technical aspects for you and ensure that your project not only gets done, but also will work as expected and do what you want it to do. We work with either the team you designate, or find an outside expert team to handle the job.

Quality assurance / software testing

Quality assurance is central to any business and especially to IT projects as it ensures that the final product is reliable, performs well, meets user expectations, complies with standards, and reduces the risk of errors and failures. It plays a vital role in delivering high-quality software solutions that drive user satisfaction, business success, and long-term viability.

We can offer QA services to help you with an independent outsider's view. This not only saves internal resources, but also provides you with an independent assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your system. This saves a great deal of aggravation and time in the long run.

Software and Scripting

Custom Scripting - eliminate repetitive tasks

If you perform certain iterative tasks on a regular basis, chances are, you could save a great deal of time while simultaneously error-proofing your procedure with the help of a custom script.

For example: You regularly download specific files from a server or a cloud device, as a backup, or to use them in a local application. You then perform further steps, like manually adding them somewhere, zipping them, or editing the data. How about a one-click solution?

We can automate the download itself for you, and even automate any following steps, such as appending the downloaded files to another file (e.g. concatenate multiple log files), move them to specific locations, or directly import them into a database. A custom scripts is often the simple solution that makes everyday chores so much easier.

Help with software - Get started faster, get more out of it

We help with selecting, installing and configuring software of most types. And with quite a few packages (even specialized ones (e.g. Tableau, ATLAS.ti, Obsidian) we can also provide expert tutorials to get you started. Because who has time for all that?

How will bility help your business?

Schedule a chat with our tech specialists to explore your options. Free of charge of course.

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